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Finding Solace and Muddy Toes on Allotment 2b

We were fortunate enough to acquire an allotment in our village back in December. After a 6 year wait on the Council list we were overjoyed when we were finally offered allotment number 2b. Our overgrown, neglected, weedy little patch. In a few short months its a space we have grown to love and has already provided so much fun and enjoyment.

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Every time I go down there my soul feels refreshed and I leave with mud under my fingernails and a smile on my face. In the last week it has also proven to be a place of great solace.

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On Saturday morning my Gran very sadly passed away. She'd lived a long and happy life and our family have felt comforted in the knowledge that she left us peacefully and without suffering.

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While my parents were with her that morning, my husband, sister and I stayed home with the children. While the weather stayed dry we decided that getting out of the house and to the allotment would do us all some good. And good it did.

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We sat and enjoyed cakes from the bakers before getting down to some digging (yes I know you're supposed to have the treats after you've done some work!)

With a spade in hand, the allotment boss (Sam) allocated jobs. I was in charge of raking the freshly dug soil and preparing the ground for sowing spinach.

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Wilf was in charge of collecting worms that were dug up and adding them to the compost heap.

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The dog was in charge of basking in the sun.

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And my sister was in charge of keeping Anwen occupied and out of the mud.

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As you can see she eventually ignored my request to keep her clean, and I'm very glad she did.

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I'm sure that if my Gran had been there to see my two children with muddy toes (hands, feet and faces), she would have approved. When I think about this and look back at these photos I smile.

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Apart from fruit and veg, I have no doubt that our allotment will bring our family years of joy and provide us with a little green haven in the ups and downs of life. The fact that we have a shed with a stove and kettle to make a cup of tea to enjoy it with, makes it even sweeter. And I certainly know Gran would drink to that.

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If you fancy seeing more of our allotment tales you can follow @allotment2b or take a look at #allotment2btales on Instagram.

Thank you for reading today. X